Maintain, Don’t Gain 2018 Challenge.

Do you love the holidays or dread the extra work and stress? Do you look forward to the parties, dinners, traditional foods, or become anxious about the possible weight gain? Researchers believe even a gain of one or two pounds stays with us beyond the holidays.

This holiday season commit to being more intentional about your healthy habits. Join the Maintain, Don’t Gain team!

To help you maintain your weight and make healthier choices, The Wellness Center at Berkeley Medical Center and Healthy Berkeley are offering Maintain, Don’t Gain.

This awareness campaign is not focused on losing weight, but rather maintaining weight and good health habits over the holidays.

Challenge your family, neighbors or co-workers to join, too. Support of those who you spend the holidays with will help you be successful and help you all be healthy.

Maintain Don’t Gain is free and open to all. Come to The Wellness Center at Berkeley Medical Center to weigh in the week of November 11 and return to weigh out the week of January 6. When you weigh in, you will be given tools to help you make a plan to enjoy your holidays healthfully.

People who weigh in and weigh out will be entered in a prize drawing at the conclusion of the program. Those who “maintain” their weight will receive 2 entries in the prize drawing.

For more information:

Contact Dana M. DeJarnett at 304-264-1287, ext. 31814 or

If you would like to offer Maintain Don’t Gain to your employees or host a weigh in site, information can be provided.

Make plans to Maintain, Don’t Gain this holiday season.

Weigh-in: the week of Nov. 11th

Weigh-out: the week of Jan. 6

Maintain Don't Gain 2018 Flyer